Bengt Salmose
09/04/2008 21:25

After my v8 -92 had been garaged for half a year with battery disconnected the tank gauge is missreading. When ignition is of it shows 1/4 tank an with full tank it bypass 1/1 and goes in top.
When Í have used 65 liters it shows 5/8 so it seems the reading is moved about + 1/2
Any way I can calibrate it ?


Tim A.
17/04/2008 10:10

Hi Bengt,

yes, the fuel gauge is adjustable. Generally you need a special tool but there is way, to do it wthout this tool:

1st: Drain your fuel reservoir or drive as long, until the fuel reservoire is empty (prepare an spare can with fuel in your car )
When I have to train a fuel reservoire, I do it like this: I drive the car until the reservoire is nearly empty. Then I dismantle the fuel return hose or pipe from the injektion and launch it into an auxiliary container or can. Then I keep the engine idling until it stalls.

2nd: Pull off the red knob for the checkcontrol in your dashboard.
Behind this knob you can find the adjustment screw for the fuel gauge.

3rd: Use a small screwdriver (2 mm wide, 50 mm long) and turn it carefully until the gauge indicates an empty reservoire. The adjustment screw has about 1/2 turn way in each direction.

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