Paul F
01/06/2006 11:28
Interest for Audi V8 EVO rear spoiler??

Hello everyone,

Ok things are about ready, I have been planning this moment for the past 2 years now.

I can now officially make the famous Audi V8 rear spoiler.
Below is a picture of one of the first two already made.

Now before I go ahead and make these I want to know how serious you all are to have one of these?
The last survey I did went very bad because I barely got anyone interested..I am going to try again here.

First thing is first, I CANNOT GIVE A DEFINTE PRICE!
why? because it depends on how many initial people are really interested. I need to order material and organize a production for these ...They are not free to make!

I am trying to target around 150 Euro for the complete rear spoiler...This however I cannot promise...please everyone get together and tell other people about this on other forums ..get as many as we can on this...the more people I get the more chance this will come and better chance to get a better price.

Below are some pictures of the first prototype.
These and some other items will be shown at the Audi meeting in Vianden Luxembourg for those that might be interested in coming.

Here is a picture I got from Audi story of the original part that was offered for the EVO V8.

PS. in case anyone is wondering..YES I will produce the 2 front spoilers as well ...BUT only if we can get enough people interested in the rear spoiler first.


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